Modification, Rebuilding, Revamping and Transformation
Another of the company’s great strengths is the market for fully reconditioned used machines, following operations to modify the spans (lengthening and shortening), complete revamping, renovating and transforming the equipment to restore it as new, perfectly repainted, CE-certified according to the applica- ble regulations and guaranteed.
Costelmec Hoisting & Moving Industry has a second factory designated as a ware- house for second-hand, used machines, with stocks of various overhead travelling cranes, gantry cranes, jib cranes, special equipment, hoists, winches, etc.The company continuously rota- tes these stocks by maintaining constant sales and purchases of equipment on the market, selecting them with great care.
For all types, you can use the personalization service “Costelmec Brand & Style Customer”
In our extensive second-hand shop, we offer several cranes of all types, scopes and sizes.
Click here for more information or to contact us.